To say it has been a crazy year so far is an understatement. But to be honest for me it had been a bit crazy even before the pandemic hit and quarantines started in earnest. As some of you may have noticed that craziness resulted in my taking a several year long blog break. I’ve honestly drafted this post at least a dozen times now trying to get back into the blogging groove. Between getting promoted to Design Director at CBS Chicago, finally visiting the Urquhart Castle in Scotland and trying to get better at illustration, I’ve taken a break from posting here. A rather long break, but I’m happy to say that I’ll be back to blogging whenever I get the chance because like everyone else quarantined at home this year… What else is there to do? I’m not going to lie the posts will probably look a little different from past posts but that’s okay with me. For now here is a little glimpse into what I have been up to since I last posted in 2018…
CBS Chicago has kept me incredibly busy. Between working on photo shoots, ads and promotional campaigns, I won an Emmy for Art Direction, worked on a couple of documentary series, wrote/art-directed my very first promo (Black History Month 2020) and redesigned the Weather look for CBS stations across the country! All of my recent work can be viewed on my newly redesigned portfolio website, sarahurk-art.com.
Back in 2018, Shane and I took a trip to the UK and finally visited the Urquhart Castle. It was amazing. For those of you who don’t know, the Urk-Art brand name is derived from my last name, Urquhart. So, needless to say this trip meant a lot to me. We went to the Harry Potter Studio Tour in London. Shane cried. We stumbled upon a Tolkien Exhibit at Oxford. I cried. Probably the best holiday I’ve ever had…
In 2019, we moved to the city together. Then this year we moved again. (More on that soon.) I got a snake tattoo. Dyed my hair blonde. Then dyed it Little Mermaid red. I worked on a huge animated music video freelance project with the talented Ceilidh Smith (More on that soon too.)
And finally… we got engaged! Yes, he asked me in a video game. I guess that means we will have to plan a wedding at some point. At least quarantine gives you a lot of time.