Home Decor

Masking Tape Mural


Now that it gets dark before 5pm I decided it was time to add a little more cheer in my living room, but since I live in an apartment options are limited when it comes to adding some color to the walls. With that in mind I decided to make a cute masking tape mural as a temporary solution that won’t ruin my walls but will help boost my mood in the coming months!

This closet area is the wall that I wanted to do, and this is what it looked like before I added the tape.

I got a few rolls of Scotch masking tape in this fun green color and cut it into little triangles.

Then I gently stuck the triangles randomly onto the wall.

The final result ended up being so cheerful, I just love it! It looks like confetti and would be great in silver, gold or multicolor as temporary decoration for the holidays or a party!

It made a subtle difference adding these triangle tape pieces, but it was super quick to do and makes me happier in this fall gloom. >>



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