Design / Illustration

Westeros Post Cards


Welcome to the wonderful world of Westeros!  DUNNNN-DUNNNN-DA-DA-DUNNNN-DUNNNN-DADA-DUNNNNNNNN. With the new season of Game of Thrones starting again it’s a no brainer that I am absolutely giddy, so freaking excited, can’t contain myself happy. Who else cannot wait for the season opener later tonight?!?

I am pretty sure this is literally the only show I actually watch when it airs, always love talking about, and recommend to everyone I meet. There is so much to be talked about, and this being the first season I, as a book reader, do not know what is going to happen next makes this season a really big deal in that it puts all fans on an equal knowledge field.

In preparation and anticipation for this new season I designed these vectorized fan art post cards inspired by the various places from the world of Game of Thrones.  Included in my set of six is Winterfell, King’s Landing, The Wall, Highgarden, Braavos and Meereen. I hope you all enjoy them as much as I do.

I’m even thinking about maybe doing another series like this in the future with some actual cities in the United States and around the world. Let me know some of the places you would like to see in the comments below!

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